About This Work
“Nature-based Solutions” (NbS) has become a rather ubiquitous concept in the last 3-4 years, especially in international policy spaces. However, perspectives towards NbS are not consistent across all parties.
While many groups are pushing NbS forward as an exciting and necessary approach towards addressing our twin climate and biodiversity crises, many are also pushing against the concept, citing serious and important concerns with how and where the term is being used and by who.
Missing in all of this is a united youth voice, across both climate and biodiversity communities, that clearly outlines how the global youth community understands NbS, and what is acceptable, and not acceptable within NbS approaches, both in policy and on-the-ground.
And that's where we come in.
The Global Youth Biodiversity Network, YOUNGO, and Youth4Nature are partnering to co-develop a nuanced, critical, and inclusive Global Youth Position Statement on Nature-based Solutions.
This is important because it will support youth in their nature and climate advocacy efforts that align with justice and systemic change, further connect youth across biodiversity and climate movements, and help us create spaces for ourselves within global nature and climate decision-making. This work will also push the newly popular concept of Nature-Based Solutions in a direction that works for people and for nature.
This project to develop a Global Youth Position Statement on Nature-based Solutions has evolved in 3 parts:
Part 1
Provide accessible information for youth about NbS
What does “NbS” even mean? Who is engaging with it and how? What are the risks and concerns, and what are the potential opportunities?
To do this, GYBN, YOUNGO, and Y4N have co-created an Information Brief that will serve as a comprehensive, first overview into NbS. This brief, “What are Nature-based Solutions? Risks, concerns, and opportunities” can be accessed here.
We have also hosted an open discussion during the IUCN Global Youth Summit to present the brief, answer questions, and host NbS experts to discuss and debate the risks and merits of NbS. You can learn more about this event and watch the recording here.
Part 2
Launch a youth consultation
In order to develop a Global Youth Position Statement, we need to gather the ideas, perspectives, and understandings of young people around the world about NbS.
To do this, we have launched a survey which is out now. Take 10 minutes, and make sure your voice is included in this critical discussion!
Available in English, Français, and Español.
Part 3
Co-Develop a Global Youth Position Statement on NbS
The final step is to launch a Global Youth Position Statement on NbS that will integrate the results from the survey. The Position Statement will be co-developed by GYBN, YOUNGO, and Y4N, and will be co-signed by youth organizations and individuals alike. It will be available on this website once it is ready.
Our objective is for this Position Statement to gain significant policy traction and be a vehicle through which our youth voices can influence global NbS decision-making.
Any inquires about this work can be directed toYouth4Nature: hello@youth4nature.org, GYBN: gybnsteeringcommittee@gmail.com, and YOUNGO: heeta.lakhani@unmgcy.org.