The Nature-based Solutions discussion is missing youth.
It’s here.
On November 6, 2021, team members from the Global Biodiversity Youth Network, Youth4Nature, and YOUNGO will present the official Global Youth Position Statement on NbS to decision-makers and policy-makers at the UNFCCC COP26 in the Nature Zone.
Our key messages :
“Nature-based Solutions” (NbS) is a new term for an old idea that has been understood and practised for millennia.
The term “NbS” is vulnerable to greenwashing that could promote monoculture plantations, the commodification of nature, land grabbing, and other impacts on human rights.
NbS must not delay the urgently needed decarbonization of our economy. It is critical that mechanisms be put in place to eliminate this risk.
One of the most dominant NbS narratives overemphasises carbon sequestration through carbon offsetting schemes. NbS must provide benefits for both biodiversity and climate, since they are interlinked, and biodiversity conservation and ecosystem integrity must be centralized within NbS policy, research, and practice.
For NbS to be effective, they must prioritize local biodiversity conservation, ecosystem integrity, and ecosystem functions, and must be grounded in justice, equity, and inclusion.
If NbS are to be featured in policy, it requires a legally agreed framework that is recognized and upheld by both the CBD and the UNFCCC to prevent misuses and misinterpretation and to centre community leadership, ecosystem integrity, rights-based approaches, and justice.
NbS implementation must follow strict binding social and environmental safeguards, with a focus on ecosystem integrity and functions, meaningful participation and free, prior, and informed consent from Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities, human and Indigenous rights, and rights of nature.
Young people will not tolerate polluters and decision-makers who co-opt and misuse “NbS” to evade their responsibilities - we commit to calling out co-option and false solutions.
See our Global Youth Position Statement
Over 1000 youth from 118 countries spoke up about NbS. What we heard loudest was concern. Concern that we are being left out of decision-making.
Read our NbS Information Brief
Made by-youth, for-youth to increase understanding of the opportunities, risks, and concerns related to NbS across both climate and biodiversity communities.
Learn more about our youth survey
From May to September of 2021 we surveyed youth from across the world in three languages about their thoughts, understanding, and expectations of NbS.
Launch at COP26
Nature Day at COP26 was the first time we shared the Global Youth Position Statment on Nature-based Solutions with the world. It was a big moment, followed by exciting and dynamic conversations with our panel of youth experts about some of the key takeaways from our Global Youth Survey. Watch the full event here: